Fire Risk Assessment​
Address of property assessed:
190 Albion Street
West Midlands
Number of floors:
Number of rooms:
Three. Two bedrooms & One open-plan living room/kitchen.
Visit England
Date of assessment:
28th October 2024
Responsible person:
Newrise Property Ltd
Fire hazards and controls
Are fixed electrical installations inspected and tested every 5 years?
- Yes
Are electrical appliances periodically inspected and tested?
- Yes
Is the use of trailing leads and adaptors avoided where possible?
- Yes
Are gas appliances periodically inspected and tested every 12 months?
- Yes
Is smoking permitted on the premises?
- No
Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke?
- Yes. External smoking areas outside the premises.
Are the premises adequately secured to prevent unauthorised access?
- Yes
Are combustible materials, waste and refuse bins stored safely clear of the premises or in purpose-built compounds/rooms?
- Yes
Are fixed heating systems subject to periodic maintenance?
- Yes
Are portable heaters subject to periodic inspection and used safely?
- Yes
Are there adequate fire precautions in the use of open fires and log burners?
- N/A
Are adequate measures taken to prevent fires from cooking?
- Yes
Are filters and ductwork subject to regular cleaning?
- Yes
Is the standard of housekeeping adequate to avoid the accumulation of combustible materials and waste?
- Yes
Are combustible materials kept separate from ignition and heat sources?
- Yes
Is it ensured that all contractors who undertake work on the premises are competent and qualified?
- Yes
Are suitable measures in place to address the fire hazards associated with the use and storage of dangerous substances?
- N/A
Are there any other significant fire hazards in the premises?
- No
Fire protection measures
Are all escape routes kept clear of obstructions to enable people to escape safely?
- Yes
Are all fire exits easily and immediately openable?
- Yes
Are distances of travel considered reasonable?
- Yes
Do the walls and structures protecting the stairway and escape routes provide an adequate level of fire resistance?
- Yes
Is the fire resistance of doors to stairways and escape routes considered adequate?
- Yes
Where necessary, are doors fitted with suitable self-closing devices that close the doors effectively?
- Yes
Are there adequate levels of artificial lighting provided in the escape routes?
- Yes
Where necessary, has a reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting been provided?
- Yes
Where necessary, is a reasonable standard of fire exit and fire safety signs provided?
- Yes
Are smoke and/or heat alarms/detectors provided and is the extent and coverage considered adequate?
- Yes
Is there a reasonable provision of firefighting equipment (fire extinguishers, fire blanket)?
- Yes
Management of fire safety
Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and documented?
- Yes
Is the information on fire safety and the action to take in the event of a fire given to guests?
- Yes
Are any staff members given regular instruction and training on the action to take in the event of a fire?
- Yes
Are frequent checks carried out to ensure exit routes are kept clear and fire exits remain easily openable?
- Yes
Are periodic checks carried out on fire doors to ensure they remain in good condition and close effectively?
- Yes
Are domestic smoke and heat alarms tested monthly?
- Yes
Where fitted, are weekly testing and six-monthly servicing routines in place for the fire detection and alarm system?
- Yes
In self-catering premises, are all smoke/heat alarms (or fire detection and alarm systems, where fitted) tested at every changeover?
- Yes
Where fitted, are monthly and annual testing routines in place for the emergency escape lighting?
- Yes
Where provided are fire extinguishers subject to annual maintenance?
- Yes
Are records of testing and maintenance maintained?
- Yes
Action plan
If any of the above boxes are ticked with a ‘No’, the deficiencies should be described below, along with proposed action for rectification.
- N/A